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Lakeview Manor BUGS


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Out of the 3 plots of land, the lakeview manor is by far the most unstable. I have tried and build myself a home on the other 2 and i have encountered non or any minor bug that i havent noticed, well except for those 2 draugr corpse who won't go away.


In my lakeview manor, My player home count is not changed, therefore its not treated as a player home therefore i cannot invite my spouse to move the the area and adopt children. Another thing, when trying to buy furnishes.. the furnishes arent applied even if i wait for a day.


In my opinion, Lakeview manor is by far the best, because its close to my most favorite towns and that is Riverwood and Falkreath... plus the dense forest and varieties of wildlife in the area is great... but the bugs are far more annoying and thus making lakeview manor least favorable among players.


Is there someone who can point me to any solutions to the bugs i have encountered(the ones i mentioned above) and if i encounter more, i will make sure to report it here.

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