FiftyTifty Posted January 5, 2013 Share Posted January 5, 2013 Geddit here What the mod does, is it runs a script every three game days. This script checks various quest stages, relationshiprank with other NPCs, whether or not your a "family" with a particular NPC an' other such things. Should criteria be met, the appropriate changes will be made. Such as; if you're married to Carlotta Valentia, you're relationshiprank with Mila Valentia is raised. You are her father now, after all. When I come across and/or people report to me quests, relationships and all that nonsense which could change a particular NPC's disposition towards the player, they will be added. Currently, there are only relationship "boosting" fixes. Yet to come across any 'bugs' for the mean end of the relationship spectrum. A list of the NPCs that have been 'fixed' can be found on the mod's nexus page. Q/A [Q] Will this conflict with any mods? [A] Nope. This mod was designed to NOT conflict with mods. [Q] Is it safe to use this with existing characters? [A} Yep. [Q] How can I tell if the disposition has changed between my character and an NPC? [A] Before you add the mod: Open up console -> Click NPC -> 'Getrelationshiprank Player' -> Take note of the relationshiprank. After you add the mod: Wait three game days (75 hours, 76 to be safe) -> Repeat the above steps. -> Compare. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kryptopyr Posted January 5, 2013 Share Posted January 5, 2013 Awesome! I'm glad to see that you've continued working on this project. I don't get a chance to play as much as I would like, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for relationships for you to add. One question, though... would it make more sense for Saadia and Kematu to be Allies instead of Lovers? What if my character wants to help them and would like to consider them friends, but not necessarily lovers? I believe that both of these NPCs have the proper voice type for marriage (and followers). It would be great if their increased relationship status with the player would also open up the potential to marry them (and thereby gain the Lover relationship rank). Just a thought. Please, keep up the good work with this mod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FiftyTifty Posted January 5, 2013 Author Share Posted January 5, 2013 I can understand making Kematu an ally. Less so with Saadia, being "The only one I can trust" (I being Saadia).But if there are any changes people want made, when I have gotten the mod to a big enough stage, I will make changes like you request in one big go, rather than tid-bits here and there. Saves me clutterin' up my data folder with different versions, different scripts, etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kryptopyr Posted January 5, 2013 Share Posted January 5, 2013 Understood. I do the same thing with my mods, keeping a text document with a list of changes and ideas for changes, so I can update several things at once. I'm really eager to see how you develop this mod. Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kryptopyr Posted January 24, 2013 Share Posted January 24, 2013 (edited) I think I might have a few more suggestions for your mod. I've been doing some research on UESPWiki for a mod I'm currently working on and was looking at a lot of the quest descriptions. While I was at it, I made some notes on certain quests that didn't appear to have any relationship changes when perhaps they should. I haven't double-checked these quests in-game or in the CK to confirm that they are actually missing a relationship change, though. This is just based off the wiki, so I apologize if it's not entirely accurate. The following people should probably consider the player a "friend" after their associated quests are complete...Greta after completing "Return to Grace" (SolitudeFreeform03)Angeline Morrard, after completing "No News is Good News (SolitudeFreeform01)... maybe this one already changes, but uesp doesn't mention a disposition change related to this quest.Lod, after returning to him with news of the dog (DA03/DA03Start)...this should trigger after you return to talk to Lod, and probably not be dependant on the entire daedric part of the quest having been completed.Taarie after "Fit for a Jarl" (SolitudeFreeform02)Evette San after "The Spiced Wine" (SolitudeFreeform06)Hafjorg, after Truth Ore Consequences (FreeformRiften17)... it looks like you get +1 disposition with Filnjar, but since Hafjorg is the actual quest-giver, maybe completing this quest should also give you a relationship boost with her.Wilhelm after Lifting the Shroud (FreeformIvarstead01)Quintus Navale after Repairing the Phial (MS12b) Others:Falion (FreeformMorthalA)... this quest doesn't seem to have any effect on disposition, and it seems that depending on the choices made during the quest, you could have it result in several different outcomes from + to -Brother Verulus...if you choose to save him from Eola, then his relationship rank should be 2 or 3, I would think. Are there any relationship changes with Nelacar and/or Aranea depending on your choices in the Black Star?What about some Civil War related changes? I'm thinking of people like the Gray-Manes and Battle-Borns in Whiterun, where they express very definite opinions on which side of the war they prefer. If your relationship with Ulfric and his court (or Elisif and hers) doesn't change then that really should happen too. You'll probably create complications (that you may or may not want to deal with) if you set the disposition at "enemy"...but at the very least these people should not like the player if he/she joins the opposing side. Edited February 2, 2013 by kryptopyr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FiftyTifty Posted February 19, 2013 Author Share Posted February 19, 2013 Sorry 'bout the way overdue response. @Krypt Just did all that, except Evette San and the Graymanes/battleborns. Evette San's quest already modifies her relationshiprank, and I'll be working on the Whiterun clans soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FiftyTifty Posted March 7, 2013 Author Share Posted March 7, 2013 Just going to bump this up. Haven't been playing Skyrim for a while, but I'd like to get some more work done. So yah; reports pl0x. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TinyDancer01 Posted April 2, 2013 Share Posted April 2, 2013 Ok , I really need ur help. I have been married to Marcurio since the game has come out. He seems to be very angry that I discovered he is a daedra=Boethia to be exact. When I checked our relationship it was 0 and I really started crying. I am married to him, so please tell me even though he is a daedra, he will and I will get a score of 4. It means everything to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FiftyTifty Posted April 3, 2013 Author Share Posted April 3, 2013 Err. Open up console, click Marcurio, type in "setrelationshiprank player 4". Done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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