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What race have you always played in skyrim?


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Always played Lunari a mod race but if it should be non mod race Nord and Imperial. But I plan to make a new char before dragonborn DLC and try my hand on Argonian for a change.
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I started playing Skyrim just like Oblivion: as a bald North male with a French accent armed with a great sword and heavy armor. Usually go till lvl 40 or so. After that i played a female dark elf a assassin/thief who occasionally uses destruction magic to shock ranged targets. I like the story of Barenziah...

Currently i have a High Elf male vampire at lvl 58 master of illusion, alteration and destruction. But he's able to use heavy armor and a sword as well but thats more to give him a rockstar image to go with his enormous ego.

I've tried every race except the argonian i just think there ugly basically and there're enough races for stealth and spells/potions for water breathing.

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Dark Elf! All the way back, Morrowind - Oblivion - Skyrim!


I played as an orc Morrowind in the beginning because they looked most normal, but chose dark elf after a while. And I´ve played as one since and have no plan on stopping! :biggrin:

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I always played as a Bosmer in Oblivion, cause then I could make them cute.... now they're just ass ugly. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif


So, now I'm playing as a male Nord. Though I also like playing as a male Altmer. My first game was as a female Imperial, but I don't think I want to do that again.


Wonder if I should try a Dark Elf.

Edited by Lehcar
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I struggle to play anything but Nord due to Skyrim being a one race place near enough, in Cyrodill i played numerous races because all races were present but in Skyrim the Nords and Imperials greatly out weigh the remaining races so i stick to these.
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