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Need to undo adoption (is bugged and causing game crash)


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I need to undo the adoption of my second child Sophia, I adopted her several game hours back and she never showed up at my home in white run. Now after marrying an NPC she's appeared at the home, but has no dialogue options at all and my game is continually crashing every 5 minutes or so.


According to the debug log:


"Error taking longer than 3 secs to star new adoption handler"


posted about a thousand times right up until the crash.


I've tried various console commands (disable/reenable, resetai, recycleactor, markfordelete, etc..) but none of them have done any good.


I'm hoping someone knows of a way (console command or otherwise) to undo the adoption some how or otherwise cancel it from continually trying to run the new adoption handler and crashing me.

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