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Problem with creating a Custom Follower


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I recently tried my hand at creating a custom Follower and followed the tutorial below to the letter from A to Z yet when I loaded up Skyrim and went to the place I set the follower to be located at said follower was not there so could someone speculate as to what went wrong or maybe point me in the direction of a more detailed tutorial for creating custom followers?


Also I've noticed that CK won't show custom faces using this method in the tutorial such as the new faces off the Ethereal Elven mod.


I would really appreciate help with this people always say if you want something make it yourself but when it comes to fixing issues no one really seems to want to help. :wallbash:



Edited by Kanarus
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Still can't get this to work so far. I've tried two tutorials one above doing it all on CK and another off Nexus that uses CK and the NPC Editor to make it.


With the one above the Custom NPC/Follower won't show in the game and with the other the NPC Editor won't recognize the mods such ad Etherial Elvan Overhaul and LIFE.

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Still can't get this to work so far. I've tried two tutorials one above doing it all on CK and another off Nexus that uses CK and the NPC Editor to make it.


With the one above the Custom NPC/Follower won't show in the game and with the other the NPC Editor won't recognize the mods such ad Etherial Elvan Overhaul and LIFE.


Are you sure the NPC is not wandering away? Did you give them any kind of AI packages that may (inadvertly) lead them to try and go somewhere? (Such as you directly copied some AI packages.)


You can try to forcibly move the NPC to your location (check for the console moveto commands, I don't know them off-hand), or you can try to move yourself to where THEY are to figure out where they are standing and why.

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Hrm, that's pretty odd that they won't show in game. Most of the time it's a dialogue issue. Have you tried placing them in a different location or the "PlaceAtMe" command to see if they are actually being recognized as there? The only thing I would try is maybe to give them a different location, or even make a second follower double the amount of testing you can do. If neither of them show, then something is wrong with the method perhaps. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask if it's a custom race and what not, with custom armor etc.
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The first tutorial said not to give them any AI packs so I didn't, the second one I never get into the game to test if it's there or not as I can't get the NPC Editor to recognize my mods but it uses what is called Defaultsandboxcurrentlocation 1024 as its AI Pack.


Edit: I haven't tried the placeatme command yet but I have tried placing them in different places ones at the banneredmare in whiterun and once at the sleeping giant inn in riverwood.


Edit 2: I'm trying to make a High Elf follower and no armor conflicts I'm leaving her nude intentionally to avoid that as well as to insure she doesn't have a default armor that is preferred over what I put on her.

Edited by Kanarus
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Just to be sure, I was going to ask if you had followed these steps.


Named your new NPC.

Gave them a race and voice.

Set their Stats and Class.

Added them to PotentialFollowerFaction: 0 and CurrentFollowerFaction : -1

Gave them a Relationship to the player as an Ally.

Set their AI Data to: Aggressive, Helps Friends and Allies.

Left AI Packages and Inventory blank.

Changed Their Appearance in Character Gen Morphs etc.

Set them to Unique, Essential/Protected or not

Placed them in the world.

Selected your Actor in the Object window and pressed ctrl+F4 to export their facegendata.


If so, make sure they aren't set as Initially Disabled, and that you aren't spawning in on their location loading your save. You may try waiting for 24 hours at a different location or using the COC command to spawn in on their location. If none of your added followers are working, then perhaps you have a mod conflict? I wasn't able to dig up much about invisible followers. One mentioned Claralux as having invisibility issues. I would also try and see if you can see other High Elves running around. You may try posting your list of active mods as well.

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Named your new NPC. <--Yes

Gave them a race and voice. <--Yes

Set their Stats and Class. <--Yes

Added them to PotentialFollowerFaction: 0 and CurrentFollowerFaction : -1 <--Yes, I also added them to the Potential Marriage Faction: 0 and made sure the voice I chose was under both formlists for Followers and marriage

Gave them a Relationship to the player as an Ally. <--Yes

Set their AI Data to: Aggressive, Helps Friends and Allies. <--Yes

Left AI Packages and Inventory blank. <--Yes

Changed Their Appearance in Character Gen Morphs etc. <--I'm trying to use the custom face I made on the char creation screen but CK doesn't recognize the Mods and NPC Editor won't recognize the Ethereal Elvan Mod.

Set them to Unique, Essential/Protected or not <--Yes

Placed them in the world. <--Yes

Selected your Actor in the Object window and pressed ctrl+F4 to export their facegendata. <--Yes


Not sure how to check if they are initially Disabled could you tell me how?

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Ahh okay for that you need to click on them in the Render Window and select Edit. Somewhere in a post there was mention of an article that addresses being able to use EEO without trouble in the CK. It should be on the mod page. Edited by TheGreenLion
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You mean this article? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/articles/413


I'm reading it now but he has me confused at the making the NPC without the mod, he means load Skyrim without EEO or ANY other mods active create the char then export it with the SPF command or just make it in CK without an imported face?

Edited by Kanarus
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Hrm okay, so the first part you can do in the Creation Kit without EEO, just Skyrim.esm and put the skin tone, any makeup or warpaint features changes there but don't mess with the appearance. Export the facegendata and save.Then you are supposed to grab the tint mask .dds frome the facetints folder and save it somewhere safe and toss the TGA file. After that you can load EEO and edit your followers appearance (Import your .npc file) and then export their appearance and take the .dds file you saved and overwrite the new one you just generated. Edited by TheGreenLion
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