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I was wondering if anyone would make a Heroin mod.


I tried and failed at it.


What I was thinking was:


-Taking it once or twice would cause a serious addiction to it.

-Concussion effect like not occasional every few seconds but for like a half hour strait

-Muscle loss (Can't carry as much)

-Long term use would make it so when you talk to people they say something like "You don't look so good." (Charisma goes down)

-Use Med-X (Morphine) model



What should happen when you take it:


You pick up the needle and go into your inventory does nothing for a few minutes and then your vision starts to blur and you can't carry nearly as much like 50% less the damage you take increases by 200% or so and your accuracy decreases by like 75% or so the effect occurs for like an hour and the chance of addiction is 80% or so and if you are addicted to it all of your stats go down almost all the way.






If someone could do this I would love them forever, PLEASE and THANKS!

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What would be the incentive to take it at all?


I don't know.


I just know that I've wanted this in the game since I installed the game.


And it would be fun to mess around with it.


Perhaps when you take it you can hallucinate people and they can give you quests.

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Oh! I just had an interesting drug idea. What if there are some debuff drugs like the op suggested that are essentially poisons and they are treated as grenades. By that I mean you could sneak and if you place them in via pickpocket the person gets all the symptoms? That way they would have a use (you could drug people.)
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LOL Good one azrael. Granted Im not to keen to using a druggy character, but I have before. The fact that heroin would have such a potentially useless and deadly effect is ... crazy.


Stay away from gazing at the tree people man.

and don't forget about the evil leprechaun around the corner!

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Oh! I just had an interesting drug idea. What if there are some debuff drugs like the op suggested that are essentially poisons and they are treated as grenades. By that I mean you could sneak and if you place them in via pickpocket the person gets all the symptoms? That way they would have a use (you could drug people.)




THAT however is an AWESOME idea. Nothing better than sneaking up behind people and stabbing them with a needle :D

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Heroin is a less potent variant of morphine (Med-X). They're both the same opiate compound, but morphine is about 6 times stronger and it isn't cut with other filler substances. What would be a good drug addition is chemical mixing; a little bit of his, a little bit of that for some serious buffs and nasty withdrawals.
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