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Breakable weapons


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Dear Modders,


I don't know if there already is a mod like this, I haven't found one yet.


As the title says breakable weapons, what that means should be obvious.

The idea came to me from an old game called "Legacy of Kain Blood Omen 2" maybe some people know it.

There your weapon would get damaged everytime you hit someone who is blocking, after several hits on the blocking enemy the weapon would be to much damaged and would end up breaking.

Same would happen when you are blocking and an enemy is attacking you, the stronger the enemy the faster the weapon would break.


The same "could" be imported somehow into Skyrim, as you might know I'm not a modder so I have no clue how.

This would inprove smithing very much, one would have to repair weapons from time to time and would actually have to carry multiple weapons.


This vid has some IG footage from Blood Omen 2 and shows the weapon breaking.


Fastforward to 07:33 - 07:45


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