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[LE] invisible mesh after changing to staticanim object

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In nifskope I changed a custom static boat to a staticanim boat. I added all necessary controllers and compared all settings with the settings in rowboatanim01.nif from vanilla Skyrim. In nifskope, the animation works fine. I can add the mesh to ck, but it's invisible. I can add this invisible boat in the render window without crashing ck, so the mesh should be alright. But why is it not visible? The model I changed worked fine before.


If anyone has experience with nifskope, any help is appreciated.


Edit: ck log says: Tash_ShipNordRowboat exceeds 32000 unit limits...

some strange values are listed like -105000096

I don't know what's meant with unit limits. I copied every value for translation from the original rowboatanim.

Edited by Tasheni
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Got it working! Don't ask me what I've done, I really don't know. Just went through all entries again and compared it to the original. Changed nothing. It makes plopp! and was simply there.

I will do the same for other shipmodels and when I have found what was wrong, I will report back.

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There is a problem with the NiTransformInterpolator. The values in the original file is X Y >floatmax> Z It's not possible to get this written strings into the translation field. I used instead X 0.000000 Y 1.000000 Z 0.000000 I guess, it's the same. Next field is more problematic: Rotation. The original values are (Y 125.00 P 90.00 R 0.00) No way to get that into my file. When I click on it, fields turn to Axis A 0.00 X 1.00000 Y 0.00000 Why? What is P + R? I can enter 135.00 into the Y field, but the second field doesn't allow 90. I copy and past it over from origin, so now the same values are into the Interpolator. Tested - yes, this seems to be the issue. Works now fine :wink:


There's another problem: some key values in the NiTransformData needs to be set to -0.000000. I always thoght 0 is 0, but somehow it is imortant to have a minus value there. If I tried to enter a minus befor the first 0 it always changed back to 0. Trick is to set the last 0 to 1 and set the minus before the first 0, hit enter. Change the 1 back to 0, enter. That works.

Edited by Tasheni
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