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Atronach Birthstone not Atronaching


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I just recently got myself the atronach perk, and it was AWESOME! The necromancer's spells were just spoon feeding me magica, but then I, in my daze of awe fell off a cliff and died. I came back ready for more fun and was quickly dispatched by the same necromancer who previously had a hard time even putting a scratch on me, due to my atronachy magnificence. So I came back again a little wary this time and soon found out that I couldn't even absorb magic at all let alone 50% of it. The third attempt was a wee bit more successful; I absorbed a few of the attacks but mostly got hurt a lot. I haven't found anyone else who had this issue on te interwebs so I posted it here.
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Well I solved one mystery: It turns out if you are moving when hit by a spell the magicka absorption effect does not activate, which still leaves me with a viable issue. Got any ideas on how to fix that? Well I guess its back to square one; I tried again and this time I never moved and at first it was promising I was absorbing all the magic, but then the absorption conked out again. Edited by Combine99
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