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Freezing/Unfreezing during gameplay. Please help me! ...


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I can't take this anymore. I have tried so many thing and have done so many things to figure out this issue. But I am stumped and jst plain pissed on why the frig' this hapening.


First to start off with my stats:


Intel Core I7-920 3.5GHZ

16Gb DD3 1600MHZ Ram

GTX 470

Raid 0 - 3/7200RPM Hard Drives. Used in conjunction with Intel Rapid Storage

850WATT Power supply

Windows 7 64 Bit

310.70 Nvidia Drivers


When I am playing Skyrim and I turn to face my characters or my actors, the game freezes for like 1.5 to 2 seconds and unfreezes after "loading" the actors. But this will happen EVERYTIME i turn to them. Everytime I zone in and zone out. It will do freezing and unfreezing during FIGHTING. This has killed me several times because of this BS. I have even turned EVERY conceivable graphic intense setting down, even the resolution. It makes no difference it STILL happens, at the same quantity! It's like information is not flowing through my computer correctly. My temp on my video card is staying at a steady 53 Celsius. What is WEIRD is MSI afterburner reports at this particular moment my video card going down to 0 PERCENT usage. Then back up to 100 percent. WTF????


Guys I really need help on this this is annoying the CRAP out of me.

Edited by nafeasonto
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An i7, huh?


Try disabling HyperTheading.


Also try de-fragging.


About that 'GPU Usage' thing, I believe everyone gets that. I get it when I stare at certain parts of an interior for more than three seconds, though turning away and then turning back fixes the problem completely. For another three seconds.

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  • 2 months later...

have you tried limiting fps with afterburner? since for me that did a lot of things.



average of 200% boost in FPS

fixing "water splash sounds everywhere" bug

fixing "glitching distant monsters/npc's" where they jump up/down erratically and/or suddendly fall from the skies.

stopped weird "lag for 1 to 2 secs" whenever i saw more than two hostile enemies at once. (yes.. happens each time i turned to "see" them) This was only in outside world though.

CPU usage at 24 to 49%

GPU usage at 50% (for both cards)


resolution and display settings had no say to any of that.


now.. all runs 90 to 95% time smoothly at 59FPS (monitor refresh rate is 60)

CPU usage at 24 to 80%

GPU usage 80 to 95% (for both cards)

except when warzones mod throws 50 people on screen.. then it may drop to 25-30


1900x1200 8xAF 8xAA and all settings up to max in launcher.


so.. for me, it fixed all my problems. what i don't quite understand is why it runs so well after limiting FPS since... 60's were rare before limiting it.

is it something along "oops, i prerendered 250 frames.. and you need only 2 of that kind? what do i do with these 248? trash them? okay... wait a bit until i manage to render new frames for you."

or something.. i'm not sure.



oh.. right... specs.. if anyone cares. (shouldn't since nothing in specs or changes to it affected any results)


16GB RAM @1333

HD6870 crossfired with HD6870 stock speeds.

Edited by psavola
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