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Plz help me with A working Wrye Bash ?


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I wanted to test out Wrye Bash for modding skyrim as my mod collection has growned beyound 255 esp's.


I first tried with the wrye bash standalone from nexus the 303 version, did not work. And from the comments it seems its a crapy version that should yet not have been released.

Next i tried the 292 with all the other python stuff thingis which seems like a big mess to me.

Did not work ither, it gave me an error not finding oblivion. So i guess it was for oblivion not skyrim. (yes i could perhaps modifye it to skyrim but everything abour the wrye bash is so confusing.

Now i tested the 302 version and i get the same error as before.


After searching and loads of reading i still havent found 1 proper suggestion to fix this other than to check if benable something is enabled in the bash.ini.


Now im rly tired of this mess, i bet my pc have traces of Wrye bash all over the harddrive aswell.


So can someone who uses this now at present time, tell me what to do and a guide for using it?

So tired...


Loads of appreciate's to who ever helps me :))))

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Next i tried the 292 with all the other python stuff thingis which seems like a big mess to me.

Did not work ither, it gave me an error not finding oblivion. So i guess it was for oblivion not skyrim. (yes i could perhaps modifye it to skyrim but everything abour the wrye bash is so confusing.

Now i tested the 302 version and i get the same error as before.





I was getting this also, I found the installer ver. didn't install the Python dependencies (Unicode) correctly (possibly because of older Ansi Python), uninstall your Python components and reinstall manually there's links for these in the Wrye Bash Advanced Readme. And the older Wrye Bash work with the Unicode Python components also.

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