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Crashing directly after Character creation


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I had installed some mods and initiated them with the NMM. Then started the game and it crashed right after character creation. I can walk for like a second after creation then it just freezes and "stopped working" I unistalled everything and reinstalled through steam. And same results.


It is the Steam GOTY. I have windows 7. Is there a way to install this from steam without having to go through their client or whatever to start the game? Whenever i try and move the folder away from the steam apps folder it wont even begin to start. But im not even sure this is the issue.


This is some general help questions that my searches for others with this issue havent turned up any solutions that worked.

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reinstalled all of steam in a non program files location, set both launcher and exe from steam as run in windows xp compatable and run as admin. not sure which did they job but im set for the moment. now to install mods


It was probably moving them out of program files. Windows has some UAC on that directory that makes it difficult to modify things in there. For Oblivion, you don't need to run it as xp compatible.

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