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Mod Order Guidelines for Wineskin users


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As a mac user, my gaming is limited, but Skyrim is all I need. I used to use a crossover version that was native to my mac and running it on ultra graphics is no problem, but the wineskin version for dawnguard provides me with a mod manager so I can use mods.

I had a lot of issues with different mods, and after a lot of trial and error I decided to do a fresh install of the wineskin dawnguard version.

I started off with a few mods, and here's a list of all the mods im using now. Nothing too crazy.

This is the order they are in, and since mac users can't use BOSS or any other form of app for this, could someone please look at this and tell me what a good mod order would be here?

Please? Im sick of crashes



Unofficial Skyrim Patch


Climates of Tamriel

Climates of Tamriel Vanilla Nights

Climates Of Tamriel Warm Interiors









Riverwood Hunting Cabin

Ritual Armor Of Boethia

Skyrim School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Remove Interior Fog

Remove Interior Fog Dawnguard

The Dance Of Death


Vampire Lord Royal

Vagabond Armor

Witchking Helmet

Midas Skyrim

buffy (Companion)

Apachii Hair

Crazy Hairs by zzjay

Crainte Vomir

Evilbass Werewolf Perks

Magicka Sabers

Mayatola AV (Companion)

Pillar (Pillar of Nosgoth mod in Ivarstead)

SkyMoMod (Monster Mod)

hothtrooper Armor Compilation

Trueflame (Weapon Mod)

Edited by NightingalePhantom
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