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Argonians only?  

139 members have voted

  1. 1. Should this mod apply only to Argonians as a replacer for default lycanthropy due to their reptilian blood, or should all races be able to become Werecrocodiles through some type of unique encounter/quest?

    • Were-Crocs for all!
    • This idea is STUPID!
    • This idea is FANTASTIC!

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CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE ANY SOLID ADVICE TO OFFER IN REGARDS TO CREATING THIS MOD. I am trying to get a hang of the Creation Kit so I can create a new perk tree. I will still need lots of help with In-game visuals. If any modelers are willing to create the model, or have already created something appropriately crocodile-like, then please help a brother out!! I am VERY interested in forming a team to make this happen. ALSO, if you are at all interested in this mod, even leaving a comment like "looks good!" helps. Anything to help get this thread noticed by some talented modders! Additionally I'd love to hear anybody's thoughts, ideas, or opinions!!


NO, I am not talking about ugly yet ergonomic shoes for werewolves. YES, I am talking about the ability to transform into a lumbering reptilian horror.


Skyrim lore makes mention of Werecrocodiles residing in desolate swamps in Black Marsh. They sound pretty badass! I just started playing an Argonian, I'd like him to have an alternate form of some kind, because that is generally cool. The de-facto beast form is the werewolf, but to me a reptile becoming a mammal just doesn't really make sense. I would be a vampire lord, but the form looks pretty clearly human derived, which also makes it sort of nonsensical.


I think this MAY be possible by using Argonian or Dragon skin textures on a werewolf's skeleton, but I really don't know the first thing about 3D modeling and am just starting to get into modding, which is often pretty inaccessible in itself to a noob like me. Storywise this could be a replacer for Argonians who choose to become lycanthropes, or alternatively so that all races could play as one, someone could make an entirely new quest to investigate sightings of werecrocs around blah blah skyrim town.


Ideal features to include with this mod would be a perk tree consisting of reptillian themed abilities such as:

--poisonous claws which cause additional bleeding

--venom or acid spitting

--chameleon cloaking

--life detection

--underwater breathing

--reptillian organ(health) regeneration

--innate damage resistance thanks to scales

--AOE fear roars

--corpse eating

--increased speed and jumping ability

--pheremone-themed calm and fury abilities

and whatever else you talented bastards can think of!

In addition to the above mentioned abilities, I've envisioned three specific features which, if possible, would REALLY set this form apart from the two other vanilla transformations.


First of all: SNEAKING MODE! As in, by pressing your default crouching command, this creature will assume a sneaking stance similar but not identical to a regular humanoid. One idea of mine is to have the creature crawl on its belly and move with all fours, causing it to actually move FASTER in sneak mode, but at the cost of offensive options. At higher perk levels, the werecroc could gain the ability to go invisible while sneaking to become the ultimate stealth predator!!

Second: An extendable tongue!! I think one could use the animation of the werewolf roar for a basis, then do some modeling for a tongue protrusion coming from the creatures mouth. The tongue could be activated in the same manner as shouts/powers, and would have two main features. In combat, the powrful tongue would have the ability to penetrate enemies, ignoring armor and doing direct damage to health as well as some minor bleeding damage. An enemy hit by the tongue will then be stunned and pulled into melee combat range. At higher levels perks could allow the tongue attack to additionally have a chance to disarm a blocking opponent. The secondary function of the tongue would be a long-range feeding ability. When used on a bleeding out and kneeling opponent, the tongue attack will instantly kill the enemy by penetrating and extracting the enemy's heart. This would only work on living humanoid NPCs and recently deceased corpses, and feeding in this manner would be a means for the werecroc to gain "experience", in addition to regular corpse eating.


And finally: ATTACKING WHILE SWIMMING!! On land the werecroc is a force to be reckoned with, but it is most at home in the waters of its native swamps, where it is the apex predator \m/ Really this feature is just me being really hopeful that an extremely talented modder sees and is inspired by this, but underwater kills and animations would really be the icing on the cake. The thought of a werecroc using it's extendable tongue to pull an unwary foe to a watery grave fills me with sanguine joy.


And that's that! I really put a lot of thought into this idea, and I'm trying to learn modding specifically to make it happen myself, but I really am not making much headway and have lots of outside distractions. I'd just love to see the idea come to fruition one way or the other. I don't care if it includes all, some, or none of the features I mentioned. I just want a cool-yet-appropriate form for my Argonian, damnit!!


ADDITIONAL IDEAS FOR BALANCING: If all the above features were included I think this would be rather OP lol. To help rectify this, I propose the creature be 200% weak to frost!! After all, reptiles are cold blooded creatures. DATZ Y ARGONENS DUN LIK SKIIRYM. Additionally, it would be super cool to include a hypothermia system by which the creature would die in Skyrim's colder climates without feeding regularly



thank you to all the talented skyrim modders for doing all the things Bethesda was too lazy to do, and thank you to anyone who took the time to read all of this!!

Edited by RextheRobot
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I think the idea is great, but some things are hard, if not impossible to make. Like the sneaking and fighting under water.


There is setting in CK that allows combat under water, but it won't probably work as you'd like, because there's no different animations for UW combat. (except if game works somewhat nicely and "combines" swim animation with combat animations to make something that works and looks nice.)


But rest of the specialities, abilities and such should work, and would offer some GREAT variation indeed.

And I believe Dragonborn DLC is going to add tons of things which would fit well this, especially something for the "Tongue" skill. :whistling: Not that I've spoilt myself by reading some details 'bout Dragonborn.


I think the only reason why mods like these aren't made is that many of the great modelers, who have made some WIP's of "Werecrocodiles" and other Werebeasts, but they aren't that skilled with CK, which would force them to make it either replacer, or to ask for someone else to do the CK work.

And those who are skilled with CK might not be able to make werecrocodile model.

They'd need to do some team work with other modders.


I hope that this thread would make someone/ some people to work on this, as the idea is great, and Skyrim could definitely use new werebeasts.

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Thanks for your reply and insight!! I really hope this post begins to pique interest among the community to flesh out the lore of lycanthropy more.


As for the difficulties related to creating the mod, I did anticipate that some of the details would have to be left out. Interesting that the CK has an option for underwater combat though...

In regards to sneaking while transformed, do you think the whole concept is impossible or just the animation itself? If the creature could be in the same standing pose while still technically "sneaking" in game mechanics, then perhaps a workaround could be to cause the crouch toggle to activate an invisibility effect as well as trick the game into thinking that your character is actually sneaking?? Just a thought :P

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Thanks for your reply and insight!! I really hope this post begins to pique interest among the community to flesh out the lore of lycanthropy more.


As for the difficulties related to creating the mod, I did anticipate that some of the details would have to be left out. Interesting that the CK has an option for underwater combat though...

In regards to sneaking while transformed, do you think the whole concept is impossible or just the animation itself? If the creature could be in the same standing pose while still technically "sneaking" in game mechanics, then perhaps a workaround could be to cause the crouch toggle to activate an invisibility effect as well as trick the game into thinking that your character is actually sneaking?? Just a thought :P


Actually, I thought about "fake" sneak some time ago, and I don't remember if I've said my thoughts 'bout it in other thread.

Anyway, now that SkyUi and MCM are out, maybe so that you could bind "sneak" to key, when you start sneaking, you would turn invisible, muffle, and next attack would deal huge damage. (If possible, maybe so that it automatically starts kill animation if you attack human. It'd be quite nice, and maybe possible.) And because of Invisibility + muffle, you should be pretty much invisible. Maybe some other enchants too to make it work if that doesn't do it.


The sneak bonus could be made so that it just increases damage output until the spell effect stops, thus it'd also boost the tongue ability. :biggrin: (So no fancy x2 multiplier at left corner, but still increased damage)


Water breathing, scaled skin, health regen, spitting, poisonous claws, corpse eating and such should be quite easy.


Dang, I hope some people would make something like that :biggrin:

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I know this is a huge mod to ask for, I don't expect one person to complete it alone, nor do I expect anyone to do all the work for me. I am learning to basics of modding so that hopefully I can help develop some of the perks and abilities for this badass creature. What I really want is a TEAM! A bunch of talented modders working together could definitely accomplish the majority of these ideas. We would need modelers, scripters, all the good stuff. If you think you could help or at the very least offer some advice, I implore thee to reply below or shoot me a PM. I promise to pay ONE US DOLLAR to each person who helps me bring Werecrocodiles to Skyrim!!!
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I voted "Argonians only, they are the best"


I never (literally.. never) played argonian... but I think it would be nice to have different transformations for them...


I loved the idea, but this seems INCREDIBLY hard to make.


I remember some other day someone asked for a mod that would give different transformation for Khajiits as well...

Edited by Sucrilhus
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I voted "Argonians only, they are the best"


I never (literally.. never) played argonian... but I think it would be nice to have different transformations for them...


I loved the idea, but this seems INCREDIBLY hard to make.


I remember some other day someone asked for a mod that would give different transformation for Khajiits as well...


lol thanks for your vote! I am hoping that eventually I will get enough modders interested to assign people to specific jobs, like one guy works on the tongue attack feature, one guy works on the perk tree, one guy handles the stealth mechanics, one guy does the modeling, etc. If you know any talented modders then pass the word along!! :D

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You're not allowed to bump threads.


I was kidding about literally typing the word "bump", but thanks for the tip...

I simply meant that ANY comments at all are appreciated, as they do help get the idea spread. I wouldn't have even posted said appeal were it not for the fact that I see views and poll votes on this thread regularly increase. I'd like to hear anyone's opinions and ideas!

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