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The Manhatten Project


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I am wondering if MattKaiser is still interested in this project. He proposed this project and there has been interest so, MattKaiser if you are out there are you still interested? Can we pick it up from here? :confused:
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as i have agreed to do some drawings of these cities and vertibirds, my head is getting dizzy with ideas, i'd like some specifics if you wouldnt mind


1: the vertibirds, want them from fallout 3 or fallout 2? If you want em from 3, where can i go to get a decent look at one? I can find one quick enough on 2. Or do you want me to design something totally original that looks vaguely like it should belong to the Enclave?


2: The suspended city, would it be built on top of a scyscraper that had toppled over? Cos it seems to me thats not the sort of strain the designers of the building had in mind. Maybe some suspension cables going from one town to another, but with bridging going across in order to make some form of prominade.


a) How would you get to it? Elevator powered by disgruntled Bramin? Long trek up a fire escape?


b) Why build a city up their in the first place? It can hardly be the most practical job, Maybe one of the towers has a crane at the top that still works?

c) wouldnt raiders and mutants passin below take pot shots at it. It would be a very large target, and AP rounds would sheer through it with little effort.

d) Would the upper level be sort of upper class, while below are the slums? Not like the upper class are rich and clean, but at least have a bit more cash to spend on luxuries rather then guns to defend themselves.


3. How much influence you recon the BOS or Enclave would have had in it? Do they have posts their? Maybe they have like Embassys there that they can maintain if they promise not to fight.


I dunno, so many questions. if you could answer as many as poss, it would help my job a lot. Thanks

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Hmm, since New York is pretty dense with urban and suburban structures, the subway stations and underground structures would remain intact. As for the Skyscrapers, it is possible that some buildings are partly destroyed (for example the top half of the empire state building could have fallen over but the bottom half remained intact).


BoS and the Enclave would be a bit more common here since DC should be the place with the super mutant base, but that doesn't mean that anyone can't access the route to New York.


Since It's New York and not DC, you can have more opportunity to create and use newer and better armors and weaponry, like modern handguns.

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thinking about that last comment made me think, surely the manhattan project would be alot smaller then DC cos there would be so much more in it.


Another idea that i kinda like, is a nuke may have fallen directly into the center of the city, so the center of the map is just a massive crater, that the only people that could go there are mutants bacause of the radioactivity. But getting some sort of advanced rad suit would enable you to explore it. And maybe the explosion uncovered loads of underground lines, that just stick out of the sides of the crater giving the mutants fast access to all over the city, and at the bottom. The roofings of a vault maybe? Perhaps the mutants have decided to drill through the top and invade the inside of the vault.


Most of the fallout games, there was a painful lack of active vaults. Part of the reason i love Vault city so much. Would be fun to find one that is engaged on the defensive against invading mutants. They would surely fall if not for your intervention.

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