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Ballistic Weave can be set to None


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On a clothing or under-armor that can be applied Ballistic Weave, if done so one will not be able to set it to None anymore. Sometimes I change the Ballistic Weave item on my character or companion, and can end up with an unused one; with normal items, the modification can be set to None, then can be applied to other items (which can be modified by it). If one could make it so it can be set to None and the modification applicable to other items, it would be appreciated.


Thank you for your consideration

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You are welcome.

I believe that's normal. Setting to "No Weave" counts as editing/changing the outfit. Looking at your screenshots, if you edit another Baseball Uniform and set to "No Weave", you will get one stack of 8 pcs and another stack with 2 pcs. Fixing this will require editing all outfits in the game, by setting "No Weave" as default option for the Ballistic Weave mod. A lot of work, which will also create conflicts with other mods. On other hand, getting mods to work together will need patching up. Not worth it in my opinion.

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