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"I most certainly will not," said Eiade. "The last thing this party needs is more trouble. Look, why don't we all chip in and bail him out? Of course, in order for that to happen, we would have to show our faces to those guards. If you want to chip in and get him out, let's give our money to Tyjet, and have him get the poor Argonian out. It's the safest and most sure-fire way. I'm sick and tired of these delays."


Eiade shifted her weight to one leg, and crossed her arms.


"We can't just risk life-and-limb all the time. What do you say?"

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"I wouldn't want the party to end because of this incident, but if they are breaking in that damn jail to bust Has-Big-Axe out, I'm going, if there is a good plan that is.", said Élsúch and turned against Tyjet. "If you've got no good plan, I say we keep going, Has-Big-Axe is tough, he can make it.. I hope."


Tarkél wandered up to Élsúch and grabbed his arm. "They can't blame him for defending himself, can they? I say we keep going, and when we know what to do with the staff, we get him out of there." He pulled Élsúch's arm. "Let's go." Élsúch gave the city a look, and turned around. "He'll make it", he muttered to himself.


"We're.. leaving now, if you want to break him out now and give those damn guards something to punish him for, go ahead.", said Élsúch with a low voice. He walked down the road with Tarkél and then stopped to watch the others.

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Eiade looked at Tyjet, then went over to Tarkel, and stood next to him.

"Tyjet, don't do it. Please. It's just too much of a risk!" She looked at him with concern and distress in her eyes.

"It's safer for the guards to hold the staff it an Imperial fortress than it is for us to carry it around."

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"Lets go with Eiade's plan. They never saw my face so I can go bail him out. The only problem is the staff... I hope they give it back. They should but you never know. They might think it's stolen or something." Tyjet walked up to the rest of the group. "We might need a lot of money... How much does everyone have?"
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OOC: oh sorry. I meant to back up Tarkel's plan! Oh, and Hir_nesta, we'll leave it up to FishyStick to make the decision, but chances are no. We simply don't have room in our story.




"I agree with Tarkel, now that I think about it," said Eiade. "Just leave him there, and let the staff rest in the safe possession of the guards. It would save our money, which we always need. And like I said, it is much safer in an Imperial fortress surrounded by countless Legion and cult members than in our hands. Let's continue on our way."

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OOC:Hir_Nesta, you might have saved my nice plan. If you would like to be a badguy, then I think we could fit you in. I was acctually considering to open up a spot for someone to play a badguy, then you came along. if you could play bad this story, you're in. Answer to this and tell me if you want to be bad. :D


IC:Élsúch was about to turn around when he saw a shadowy figure run from the city, carrying something in the hand. As he was busy with other things, he didn't care about it that much. "let's go, please. I can't stay here when Has-Big-Axe is down there in the jail, let's leave this damn city, he'll be fine." He turned around and started walking with Tarkél again.


OOC:Come on now, we have to move or we'll be stuck here for the rest of the story.

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OOC: I'm tired of waiting all day for someone to respond. Come on, people. Some of you guys need to keep your commitment. And no one-liners. Don't just speak a sentence and end your post. That accomplishes nothing. Notice that Tyjet, FishyStick, Chunky_moose and I all type at least a paragraph every post.
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