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"Too many dang rats around here anyway..." Isaac said as cast a fire spell on the rat and incinerated its body. They kept searching for what seemed like an eternity, even though in actuallity it had only been a few minutes. "I cant see a thing. I'm gonna cast a light spell." He held his staff tightly and rose it a little bit. Then it began to glow, changing a small area of darkness around them into a brighter surrounding. "Much better..."
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The two were still in the cave, ready to fight.


"Destroy the Staff?! Are you completely insane?" Seraph was angry. "You could do

a lots of good Stuff to many people out there... Wouldn't that be worth it defending

it to whatever kind of danger?" The Staff was now directly behind him. He stopped.

"Besides that...I heard from a friend of by brother that you could neutralize

great evil with that staff. For the cost of it's bearers and the Staff's death...But I don't believe him. Maybe it's just a rumor.

And even if it were true, it's better to use the staff as long as possible, don't you think?" He lowered down to grab the Staff...

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Tyjet held his crossbow up and pointed it at Seraph... "Don't move!!!" Tyjet started to move in closer to the staff...


"As long as there is evil in this world the staff will never be used for good... Eveything that has ever been created for good was found to have an evil purpose. WE CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN!!" Seraph's hand crept closer to the staff... "NO!! Don't move" yelled Tyjet... "Look, who is your brother and where does he live... Let's at least talk to him before we make rash decisions..."


Seraph backed his hand away from the staff a little... If Seraph made one more move towards that staff he would have no choice but to shoot him... Tyjet pointed his crossbow waiting to see what Seraph would do... His choices were to talk, or be shoot...

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"As I already told to you...my brother was killed by the "necromancer" as you call him. I refered to him as the Darkness, The Evil..." Seraph backed away from the Staff. "We cannot get sure if this rumor is true, but what you say is true....at least to one point. There will always be evil, so in your opinion we shouldn't create anymore good things?"


Suddenly the Door to the cave broke open and in came a redguard followed by two nord and a dark elf. The Redguard had light armor on him and two or three daggers. The Nord had both a two handed Axe with orcish armor on them. And the Dark Elf looked like a Prisoner. "What?!...Whaddaya guys think you're doing in our bandits cave? Kill them!" the Redguard screamed...

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It was so sudden that Tyjet quickly took a shot of at the redgaurd... He fell to the ground paralyzed... "Look, let's just fight off these guys... I hate unwanted guest..."


Tyjet then started loading his crossbow again, he only had five paralyze bolts left... He started to take the shots as the chances came... Soon the only one still standing was the dark elf. Tyjet then dropped his crossbow and charge in with his mace in hand... He swung down on one of the nords and hurt him badly... "Seraph, help!!" When Tyjet turned around, Seraph was gone... and so was the staff...


Tyjet knew he couldn't do this on his own so picked up his crossbow and ran farther in to the cave... He could see Seraph ahead of him. Tyjet just kept running, then a big blast of ice hit the wall next to him... The dark elf following Tyjet was not to far behind. Tyjet tried to run faster but the uneven ground and rocks made it hard to run... He had to escape, he had to get that staff!

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Seraph still had pangs of conscience. Then he heard a Ice blast hitting the Wall.

Fast he crouched into a niche in the wall. He waited. During the run he had tied the Staff on his back. He now drew his poison glass daggers. Tyjet ran past him.

He still waited. Then, as the Dark Elf started to cast another Ice blast Seraph focused on his throat, shining in the light of the spellcasting, and suddenly juming

out of the dark, cutting a clean line with the daggers, the casting dark elf fell lifeless to the floor.

Tyjet stopped suddenly.


"We must hurry...the others may be alright already" Seraph whispered.


"Let's find an exit."

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"Look, let's just team up for now, agreed?" Tyjet said and then Seraph nodded in agreement. Tyjet quickly lotted the body for anything that could help them... He found a pair of rings, one was enchanted to increase wisdom and the other increased strength...


Tyjet got up fast and tossed one of the ring (strength) to Seraph... "Here, put it on..." Tyjet then slide on the ring and started to chant as he ran... A purple light started to cover Tyjet and he started running much faster... Good he thought. Tyjet stared to run a long side Seraph and he cast the same spell on him... Fortify Speed was a great spell...


Tyjet then talked to Seraph, "Do you know this cave well?"

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Eiade began to think about how they could make the search faster. Well, Seraph obviously had the staff, and he had to put it somewhere safe. Maybe he was in a cave. Or maybe a house or inn in some town. No, not a town. If it had been a town then it would've had to be Gnisis, and he couldn't get away with walking around with stolen confiscated items of a prisoner. Had to be a cave, a ruin, or maybe even a house or shack away from town. It was unlikely that there were any houses or shacks in the wilderness. It must be a cave or ruin. If it was a cave, it was most likely near the seashore, where most caves were. If it was a ruin, then she knew of two daedric ruins in the Gnisis-Khuul area, from when adventurers talked about them in taverns. Yasammidan, near the coast on a small penninsula, and Ashalmawia, which was northeast of Ald Velothi. Both of them were too far away for him to walk as fast as he did to camp. He must be in a cave.


"Tarkel, do you know about any caves in the area?" She asked. "I've been thinking it through, and chances are he's in a cave."

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"No not really...i've been here only one...before i met your group. I didn't even thought

that this cave is so big."


They ran about one and a half mile, then they suddenly stopped. They reached a big cave with

pallets and a lighted campfire. On a stool sat an Orc, sleeping. On the righthandside he had a Daedric Battle aXe.

In the back part of the cave was a sea. But there was no escape.

at least it thought so.

"Shhh, lets get past that orc. Maybe there is a underwater tunnel."

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