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Isaac was almost devoid of the pressence of magic in his body. He drank his 5th magika potion and stashed the bottle quickly. "That was my last one I had." He stated with lack of enthusiasm. " I can make more once we stop but I wont be able to go for much longer." Seraphs body began to falter and Isaacs staff in turn... I cant make them stop, and i cant hold them back... Maybe I have one more potion....maybe I should stop and let them go ahead?...


OOC: sorry but I have to say, I got a new computer!!! that means MW for the computer as well! hahaha! now I can enjoy the greatness of mods... I win!

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Tyjet noticed Isaac losing his "grip" on Seraph. Tyjet had been taking sips of void salts and water to keep his strength... It tasted disgusting!! Anyway, Tyjet strengthened his "grip" on Seraph just as Seraph's body got close to the ground. In his attempt he dropped his bottle and it shattered on the road. "Well, damn." Tyjet mumbled to himself. Tyjet only had a few potions. They would need stop soon. They were both low on supplies and magicka. "Here, take this Isaac." Tyjet tossed one of his best potions at Isaac. "That should help for a while... We had best tell the group that we need to stop soon. I am so mentally tired..."
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Has-Big-Axe lay down that night thinking things over. Seraph...Seraph....the name was familiar yet unfamiliar, common yet extravagant, homely yet strange. Slowly the Argonian fell asleep. Deep asleep, he dreamed. His subconscious cogitated his conscious thoughts from the day.


He was back in the necromancer's tower. The necromancer faced hima across the room with the Staff at the ready. Luthin cowered behind his powerful master but the gem that he held was an artifact of no small power in itself. Has-Big-Axe and Elsuch and interrupted their ritual to reattach the gem to the Staff. He reexperienced the burning pain as the Staff shot its fire through his side but his dream slowed time and he saw himself from some disembodied perspective falling semi-conscious to the stone floor. Luthin whispered something to his master. Has-Big-Axe fell to the cold stone unconscious.


The dream ended abruptly as the Argonian awoke with a gasp from his dream. The coldness of the night had dulled his senses and slowed his movements and he took some time to sit up and think. Seconds, perhaps minutes but it seemed like hours to the Argonian as he sat thinking about the still vivid images from his dream, images now vivid again in his memory. The Argonian slowly fell asleep again.


The dream recurred but this time, as the pain disappeared as the Argonian disembodied, time slowed even more. Luthin took what seemed like hours to lean over to his master and his lips moved slowly yet surely. The deep tone of his whispered words reached the disembodied Argonian. They reverberated through the Argonian's non-existent skull, "You...use...the...Staff...as...pro-fic-ient-ly...as...that...Ser-aph...who...made...it...mas-ter..."


Has-Big-Axe jumped up from his bed. His cold blood still somehow managed to provide the energy to allow him to spring from his bedroll with such violence. He stood in the freezing night air panting heavily. His cry as he awoke had woken Tarkel who looked up mildly amusedly at the panicked, semi-naked Argonian. Has-Big-Axe looked down at Tarkel and opened his mouth,


"SERA! HUGHN! YUYTIHY! FFTHIAFUD!! JJUJJU!" he shouted, the words tripping over his tongue. Tarkel struggled to keep himself from laughing, "Think before you speak" he helpfully suggested. Has-Big-Axe tried again. "Seraph is...was in league with Luthin and his foul deceased master! I don't want to trust him!"

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OOC: dude Tyjet, Has-Big-Axe is with Tarkel and they are going on their own without us. You are with us (us being the rest of the group) traveling to the wise woman of the Urshi(who gives a Sh**) camp. I think. Soooo you might want to edit that post or something. I hope i'm right....I think i am.....
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OOC: you are correct, bird-without-flight boy. Oh, and where is our group headed right now anyway?




Eiade watched as Tyjet and Isaac struggled to maintain focus as their magicka was constantly being drained and then replenished. Their minds couldn't take such fluctuations for much longer. Seraph's body was simply a burden, and Eiade thought it a waste of such fine potions to carry a dead body around. She hummed in amusement as she watched the two down the potions and help eachother out. They looked so awkward, holding out their hands and Isaac his staff, then they took a potion out with some frustration, drank it, then sometimes one of them would lose focus and one would have to bear the whole burden for a few seconds, which ended up in grunts and strains from one of them and apologies and recasting from the other. Telekenesis was obviously a spell that was not meant to be held out for such an extended period of time.


"Ya know," she said to them. "It might be better in the long run if one of you took the body on their back, instead of wasting all those potions. It's better for mages to waste strength than magicka, don't you think?"

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OOC:Headed for the camp. Oh, btw, Argonian Thief just told me that his computer is cazy or something, don't count him out, he's still in.


IC:"If it's to much, we'll just have to carry him there", Élsúch said and watched the two wizards attempts to keep the body floating. The sun was sinking down towards the horizon and clouds were gathering.(Yes, it's night, we have to get somewhere)"We should make camp soon.. looks like rain is coming", the elf said and watched the skies.


Tarkél was watching Has-Big-Axe, a bit worried. "I don't know if we should trust him either, he told us himself that he didn't want the staff destroyed, I don't know if he could be of any harm, but it's better to.. wait.. what's that sound?", Tarkél said. They both listened carefully, and there sure were some sounds that didn't belong in a forest. The sounds of heavy armor pieces hiting eachother, the sound of weapons cutting through plants.


The two groups were not very far from eachother, but only Tarkél and Has-Big-Axe were close enough to hear the sounds of a huge man, covered in thick armor made of black coloured glass and with a long daedric sword, mumbling the words of a feather spell. Both Has-Big-Axe and his elf friend heard the man coming towards them, but little did they know that they would soon be forced to either fight Seraph, or run.

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OOC: I'm really confused!! Are both groups going to the same place? If so, why aren't we camping together? Are groups very far apart or just a few meters or something? Some one explain please. Just PM me...
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OOC: That man is the reincarnation of Seraph. The two groups haven't met yet.




Has-Big-Axe tensed and carefully unslung his axe. Through hard experience he had learnt to use his axe more effectively than a sword. But this time it would be daedric against daedric, rarely did he see two weapons of such quality clash.


He readied himself for the approaching man and held his axe defensively infront of him. The heavy footsteps grew closer and closer and stopped. There was silence, none of them daring to even breathe. Distantly, an owl hooted. Has-Big-Axe charged forward.


"AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" His axe raised above his head, he neared the figure and prepared to bring the axe heavily on the figure's head.

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The two groups were not very far from eachother


So why didn't we camp together!!??


AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I'm so vulking confused!!!


LOOK... SOMEONE NEEDS TO CLEARIFY WHAT IS GOING ON!!! I'm not the only one confused... there are others...


-Why are there two groups?

-Where are the two groups?

-Where are the two groups going?

-Is Tarkel posessed by Luthin or is he a werewolf?

-Why are we carrying Seraph's body?

-Why didn't we camp together?

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