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fc3_main.dat extraction error


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Has anyone been able to successfully extract all the contents of fc3_main.dat (3.5gb file)? For some reason I get an error about exceeding too many chars in a file/folder name when doing about 1/3 of the way through.
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Has anyone been able to successfully extract all the contents of fc3_main.dat (3.5gb file)? For some reason I get an error about exceeding too many chars in a file/folder name when doing about 1/3 of the way through.

The error is exactly as it tells you.

The path is to long for where your extracting from or to.


Simple way to resolve it is.

Put Dunia 2 tools on the root of a drive.

Simple guide just for you:


Download and extract dunia2-r176_b112-5-.zip to C:\FC3\

So after you extract dunia2-r176_b112-5-.zip in to the FC3 folder you would now have a bin folder that contains the dunia 2 tools files.

eg: C:\FC3\bin\


As I have no idea of what windows your using or where your game is installed I'm only posting the below as an example.

You would need to set the paths to what is relevant to where your game is installed.

If your game is installed in standard steam version in windows x64 then you copy and paste this into windows run (Win Key + r)

C:\FC3\bin\Gibbed.Dunia2.Unpack.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Far Cry 3\data_win32\worlds\fc3_main\fc3_main.dat" C:\FC3\fc3_main


After runing the above line you would have fc3_main folder in FC3 folder that contains the extracted files.

eg; C:\FC3\fc3_main\


This way the path isn't to long when extracting.



If a paths or file name has spaces then you need to wrap the path with quotes.


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Far Cry 3\data_win32\worlds\fc3_main\fc3_main.dat"

The above path contains spaces so I wrap it with quotes

Edited by smashly
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  • 1 year later...

Hey guys !

I got a closely issue with Rick's Dunia's Tools.

Extracting fc3_main.dat is ok, editing is ok but i got an issue when packing it ! Its telling me that it can't access to fc3_main directory (Here is a screenshot).

I tried to :

- Put my unpacked fc3_main.dat folder directly in my hard-drive root like --> D:\fc3_main <--

- Change folder attributes using the console

but it don't change anything ...

My command call is :

D:\FarCry3bis\bin\Gibbed.Dunia2.Pack.exe "D:\FarCry3bis\fc3_main" "D:\FarCry3bis\data_win32\worlds\fc3_main"

Did I do mistake calling it ?

Thx for reading and helping guys, cya soon !

Edited by OneTwoTestTest
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