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Using custom hairs with custom races in creation kit.


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Whenever I go to the character gen parts tab to edit the lunari features, I can never edit the hair. When I click on the hair tab, the only choice I have is default, so it's stuck on one hair type. I want to use Apachii Sky hair along with the npc. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with it but I did turn the esp files into esm files. Is there something I'm supposed to do to be able to change the hair on custom races?
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Whenever I go to the character gen parts tab to edit the lunari features, I can never edit the hair. When I click on the hair tab, the only choice I have is default, so it's stuck on one hair type. I want to use Apachii Sky hair along with the npc. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with it but I did turn the esp files into esm files. Is there something I'm supposed to do to be able to change the hair on custom races?


If you want to assign SkyHair to another mod, you need to load the SkyHair esm in the CK in addition to the NPC esp (but make the NPC esp the active one).

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