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Enhancing the Skyrim Experience -Adive/Ideas- Wanted


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Hey all,


Skyrim is probably one of my favorite games to play. I have played Skyrim for over a year now, and have undoubtebly put in over 1000 hours of gameplay.

It has been a great game for me. It has been a great way to unwind from a busy day and just simply enjoy the world and kill a few dragons :)


But with this said, I see my interest in Skyrim fading. Something that has been happening more and more as I have played it, which brings me to the topic of discussion: What can I do to enhance my experience?


I know of some mods that overhaul certain aspects of Skyrim, but I have been hesistant to this point to try them. I have however, used a few combat mods.


Probably my favorite mods are those that add craftable, lore-friendly materials to the game. I'm all about immersion, so the fact that weapons/armor are lore-friendly is a big deal to me.




Now that you know a little how I like to play Skyrim, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to give me some advice on how to re-establish my enthusiasm for this great game.


Thank you!

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I cannot say enough good things about this mod:




The other thing you can do is to add mods that will make the game more difficult, but immersive. Eat/Drink/Sleep mods like 'Realistic Needs and Disease', mods that delay quests or quest stages, like extending the number of radiant quests you need to perform for the Companions before you can move on to the next stage of the 'Companions questline', or adding skill/crime requirements before you are offered to join the Thieves' Guild.

Edited by ripple
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footprints in snow

wet and cold (you can see breath in cold areas, npcs equip hoods/gloves if its raining or snowing)

rain and snow clipping (rain/snow doesnt go threw objects basicly anything your under when your outside)

project reality climate (much better skyrim weather system)

sounds of skyrim Dungeons, wilds, towns (adds many new sounds)

player headtracking (players head follows people for a more realism feel)

archey overhual (better feel to the archery)

guard overhual (better guard AI)

RL ENB (much better graphics)

texture replacers (for better graphics without huge preformance hits)


those are some pretty awesome mods that can fully imerse you in the game.


I also have a few mods you might like to check out they are all lore friendly and add more to your playing expriance


Better Alchemy tables

BIN better item names

More enemies


Cheers! to Skyrim!

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