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Using the player as an alias.


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I need to put a script on the player for a few of my quests and would enjoy doing so. I never had a problem before, and the scripts work perfectly on NPCs... I even took the extra script off on the one quest, not it just won't initialize at all. Like dialogue for the quest doesn't appear and every setStage() command is ignored.


Anyone know a way around this issue? Is it a common issue? :/

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Is anyone else having this issue? I have no clue what could cause it.


EDIT: now it decides to work... :wallbash:


EDIT2: Just kidding it didn't actually work... -.-


EDIT3: fixed it. Added the an empty, option alias named Player and filled it with Game.GetPlayer() in the quest stages and cleared it when done. Good work around I suppose since none of these quests seem to be doing it right.

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