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This (unsurprisingly) turned into political bickering.


Let's keep bickering out.

You are quite correct. That subject doesn't belong here, it will be settled in November.


Some things to remember for that.


1) Mueller noted several failed attempts from Trump trying to conspire with Russia in his report and said that there was much he couldn't confirm due to Trump's people lying to him and destroying their messages and records (I actually went through the report).


2) The White House's own defense during the impeachment hearings in the Senate actually admitted Trump did it and argued the Nixon defense of "If the president does it, it isn't illegal".


3) The Republican led Senate acquitted him under that defense without even an censure of disapproval and even multiple senators admitting he was guilty before they acquitted him under the defense that a president can commit, obstruction, bribery, extortion, and solicit a foreign nation to interfere in our nations elections for personal gain so long as he claims that he thinks his re-election is within the nations best interests. (I actually watched the House and Senate stuff as well, good thing Google kept the live recordings of it because it took days).


4) Within 24 hours of that, Trump's personal Attorney, William Barr blocked the FBI from investigated any 2020 Candidate or the election without his express permission which we know he won't give unless it benefits Trump.


5) Old Moscow Mitch the B**** has hundreds of bills on his desk including multiple bills on election security that he refuses to allow a vote on. This is the same guy who was bribed for protecting Trump by making his wife Secretary of Transportation and who is under investigation for abusing that by illegally funneling contracts to his state and donors to him.


5a) Also the same guy who led the charge when it was found out that the NRA had funnelled 50 million from Russia, 30 million to Trump, 1 million to McConnell's personal PAC, and 50 million total to the Republican party that they responded by trying to change the rules to make it easier for the NRA to hide where their money came from. FYI, the Russian spy we caught involved with this, after the media died down, we released her and paid for her return trip to Russia.


5b) This is also the guy whom was rewarded when they refused to enforce sanctions on Russia and lifted sanctions on several Russian Oligarchs by those same Oligarchs investing over 200 million into his home state of Kentucky.


5c) Slight tangent, this is also the guy who purposely damaged us as a nation blocked political appointments during Obama till the point our judiciary started to brake down due to lack of judges and has packed them so hard under Trump that he has even ignored the old custom that he would not appoint judges to a state if both Senators of that state disliked the person and whom has tried his best to avoid qualified and impartial judges and tried to stuff them with ideologies whom he thinks would put their ideology ahead of their professionalism, the US constitution and the nation that he even forced a few nominations who had never even been in a court room in any official capacity and now will have lifetime appointments running those courtrooms that they never worked in.


5d) Also, this is the guy who appointed a potential serial rapist to the Supreme Court who even committed perjury during his own confirmation hearing. Quite literally a judge committed perjury during his own interview for the highest court in the land. We still don't know for sure because they blocked actively looking into it. They said they would do a "Limited Scope" 7-day background check. After 4 days it came out that their scope was so limited that they had only talked to I think 3 people and while Trump lied about it even Conway had to admit it on TV. So they lifted it a bit.


After the 7 days, they had talked to 9 people but the FBI was barred from talking to Kavanugh himself, barred from talking to all the accusers, barred from doing follow-ups, barred from talking about anything that came up during the hearings themselves, and barred from talking to the over 40 people who attempted to contact them from Kavanaughs past to refute him. Then after all that, they only allowed a single copy of their results which were barred from actually looking at anything and that single copy was put into a room and protected like the Arc of the Convenient where Democrats were only allowed to view it one at a time without any electronics to ensure they couldn't take pictures or copys of it and were barred from talking about the results in public.


Trump and the Republican party have actively proven they will ignore the rule of law and even the US constitution for personal and political power and would gladly burn this nation to the ground so long as they are the ones to rule over the ashes.


Given all that, there is strong odds that November won't be able to settle it as it may very well be a "Russian Style" Democratic election. I have even read about them trying to prevent exit polls which are used to help combat fraud from this.


Edit: And I recall recently reading that some of the excepts from Bolton's book says he offered to stop investigating into a Chinese company if they helped him to win the 2020 election, but can't recall for sure on that one for sure.

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