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Windowed mode?

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Just started a new Fallout New Vegas run. Using the GOG.com version it actually runs well even with my heavy mod load. The only problem is that I can only run it in windowed mode, the game simply crashes if I try to start anew game or load an existing save while in fullscreen.

I've tried many "fixes" but they are all old and were made on previous generations of video drivers, cards, and Windows. Does anyone know a workaround for "fake" window fullscreen or full screen that runs on Win10 and RTX 2080 Ti card (my monitor runs at 2560x1440max at 143Hz refresh)?


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This game drives me nuts. Friday it locked trying to run Full screen no matter what I did, Saturday night it actually ran full screen, today it didn't. No mod changes no driver changes no .ini changes (other than what l ever launcher does).

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Please see also "Issue - Playing at greater than 1920x1080 resolution" in the 'Solutions to Graphics problems' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.


I'm assuming by "using NVAC w/ the ghosting option file" you mean you are using NVAC with the Wrye Bash/Flash "bashed patch" file? They handle different things and do not conflict. (NVAC doesn't have any "ghosting" option.)



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