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looking for sexy clothes


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Anyone who has played Oblivion may know of the apachi goddess store and the...gods store? I can't remember what it was called, but it was the male equivilent of the goddess store.

I'm looking for something like that; or clothes like that. I don't really know how to look for it though. Can someone point me in a good direction?


also I'm looking for these clothes so I can edit some NPCs, so it'd be nice if I could use them in creation kit if possible

Edited by iDiru
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Female clothing that is Sexy/Skimpy isn't hard just search for UNP or CBBE and you will get armor and clothing mods designed for them the male clothing doesn't really get messed with on Skyrim.
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Female clothing that is Sexy/Skimpy isn't hard just search for UNP or CBBE and you will get armor and clothing mods designed for them the male clothing doesn't really get messed with on Skyrim.

out of curiosity and this is probably a yes but do I have to download another mod for that? I'm not sure what UNP or CBBE is actually. And if I did would it mess things up in creation kit?

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The CK will have some warnings when editing female NPCs but other than that it won't cause an issue like an NPC reverting to the vanilla body or anything. Like Kanarus mentioned it will only be with mods, specifically armors that you'll need to ensure are for your body or they won't display properly.
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