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Plea for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 Canon Mod


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While I would keep Hanharr and Mira mutually exclusive, gender shouldn't determine if an NPC joins a party, especially if there is a body of canon and variety of alternatives. How could Star Wars: KOTOR II be modded to enable the Handmaiden AND the Disciple to join the party? I would also adjust any talk about romance for the male Jedi Exile (I like to call him "Meetro Surik") and the female Jedi Exile (actual name per SW canon being "Meetra Surik") accordingly. Everyone think and be creative!
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  • 4 weeks later...

They already have it in filefront


Does the mod enable the recruitment of BOTH aforementioned characters?


IDK, it might ruin some of the story stuff later on in the game.

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