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Learn to Fight Like a Khajit


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I would like to ask for a (relatively) simple mod which would add in-game content with the ultimate intention of all races being able to use the "clawed" fighting style of Khajits. The most immersive way to implement this would be to add a Khajit NPC who is a master of the unarmed styles of Elsweyr. Interacting with this NPC -either by simple purchase or, ideally, through a new quest- would allow the Player Character to use Khajit unarmed animations in first and third person. Why? CUZ IT LOOKS COOL AND DOES MORE DAMAGE. Tiger-claw, biatch! Edited by RextheRobot
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I would like to ask for a (relatively) simple mod which would add in-game content with the ultimate intention of all races being able to use the "clawed" fighting style of Khajits. The most immersive way to implement this would be to add a Khajit NPC who is a master of the unarmed styles of Elsweyr. Interacting with this NPC -either by simple purchase or, ideally, through a new quest- would allow the Player Character to use Khajit unarmed animations in first and third person. Why? CUZ IT LOOKS COOL AND DOES MORE DAMAGE. Tiger-claw, biatch!


yeah, I too was looking for the ability to do this for my Vampire character however the most i was able to do was to get the perk which improves hand to hand but not the animations

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