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Load order catagory listing needed


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Can anyone supply a complete and accurate list of the catagories of a correct load order for SKYRIM using Nexus. This trial and error method is insane. I get it that the modders aren't the inital developers, but someone associated with this forum should have enough history with the legacy system to know this and be willing to share this info. I can't believe that this is not documented somewhere. I developed software, tested software, maintained systems, and wrote spec for systems, so I know this to be true. Gaming is no different. The source code is available, but not the load order documentation. That's strange to say the least. With my experience, I still need the document to correctly order the mods I like to keep in my game. I am tired of dealing with unknow glitches because of load order issues. Please help.
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BOSS is load order software that will sort your load order for you. As for a comprehensive list of "categories" - there is none. It's trial and error, careful attention paid to the mods description and application of BOSS - or nothing. I'm sure with your vaulted skills, you'll be able to manage well enough. Good luck :thumbsup:

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