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SKSE not working with Skyrim Redone


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Hey fellas, I just bought Skyrim with the sole purpose of running Skyrim Redone, and it doesn't work at all. The game works with any other mod, and no mods at all, but when i enable Skyrim Redone and launch through the SKSE loader, the game crashes after the Bethesda Logo shows up. Its the same thing as when I try to launch it with the normal game launcher. I've double checked the install for SKSE, and I've just run out of idea's. Anyone else have suggestions or running into this problem? - Thanks :)
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Your SkyRe plugins aren't in the proper order or you forgot to check off some of the required plugins. CTD on startup is usually caused by a missing master. Re-read the description/readme for SkyRe and make sure you've got it set up properly.
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Pretty sure Reproccer needs to load last. :whistling:


I don't personally use large overhauls like SkyRe so...

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