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Boethiah's Calling... Who gets the knife?


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So, who's your favorite follower to use in the Boethiah quest?


I don't generally take the artifact if I have to kill a follower; for instance, I always let Erandur live in the Vaermina quest. But I'm curious what other peoples' RP reasons are for sacrificing followers.


Personally, I always go with Ahtar. He talks about not starting trouble, justice, all that mess, and yet he asks you to quietly clean up the mess he caused by letting a bandit leader escape. And anyway, since he's the headsman, it seems poetic... then I take his axe and hang it on the wall of Proudspire Manor.


Another one I did was Eola. Live by the daedric rituals, die by the daedric rituals... heheh.

Edited by rcavanah
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I usually pick up that mercenary from The Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun. I won't miss her anyway, since I never set foot in the Drunken Huntsman otherwise.


One time, I resurrected her after the ritual because I felt bad. Later I got a letter of inheritence. Apparently she died on her way back to Whiterun. I guess Boethiah really wants the sacrafice to be permanently dead.

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I never do her quest. I don't help the "Douche-bag" daedric princes, like Mehrunes Dagon or Boethiah.


I do the Mehrunes Dagon quest because Silus Vesuius is a whackjob... and I do Boethiah, because it's an opportunity to make a decision like this. I don't go for Vaermina, because I like Erandur. Oh, and this was fun... once, I brought Brother Whatsisname to Eola like she asked, but when we got there, we took out the whole cult. Lots of new shopkeepers in Markarth after that... heheh.

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An unsuspecting, trusting, beggar man.


Or you can just tell Boethia to shove it and not sacrifice anyone.


Oh, and this was fun... once, I brought Brother Whatsisname to Eola like she asked, but when we got there, we took out the whole cult. Lots of new shopkeepers in Markarth after that... heheh.


Do it as a werewolf and eat the corpses of the dead cultists as soon as he's safely out of the cave. Sweet, sweet irony.

Edited by ShadCroly
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Oh, and this was fun... once, I brought Brother Whatsisname to Eola like she asked, but when we got there, we took out the whole cult. Lots of new shopkeepers in Markarth after that... heheh.


Do it as a werewolf and eat the corpses of the dead cultists as soon as he's safely out of the cave. Sweet, sweet irony.





As I think about it, it seems that one of the points of the Daedric quests is almost a meta-critique of arbitrary evil in fantasy antagonists. They all spend so much time feuding with each other, killing off each others' (or their own) followers, that they could never really win. So, most of the victims of Daedric quests are OTHER Daedra worshippers.

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I have been thinking about wasting calder on my next playthrough since I never use him but there are other npc far more deserving of this special quest:-) Why anyone would kill lydia is beyond me, with the right mods she is super hott!!!!!


Eola seems like the right choice but you would have to complete that terrible quest of eating dead people to get her. Maybe that old guy in the silverblood inn that doesn't have any work to do anymore since the forsworn attacked the shipments coming in. He always complains he has nothing to do and just sits around anyway. Too bad we can't get maven blackbriar to work as a follower even temporarily.

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