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Help Wanted


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Hello Mod Community


I’m reaching out with a business proposition in an attempt to solicit your aid and create a race character to play in the Morrowind Elder scroll 3 game. I’ve tried other formats like facebook but with no luck, so I’m now reaching out to you. I hope you can accomplish what I have neither the skill or capability of doing myself.


I am a long time fan of Morrowind and would like to merge the game with an all-time favorite character of mine from the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon character called Shadow Demon. He’s an incorporeal (shadow) demon with dragon-like wings and servant to the mighty Venger. I’ll provide pic in the thread.


I’m willing to allow you to retain all rights to the mod and even offer it for free to the public.


Please note: he doesn’t have legs, his hips tapper off to a point and he travels about by flying. I realize this would have to be a visual effect not a mechanical one since you can’t rest in game unless you’re on the ground.



Is there anyone who can help?


Sincerely Michael Damion

Edited by zcul
soliciting, https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?&app=core&module=reports&do=show_report&rid=211468
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