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Help! My mod's dragon keeps flying underwater and through land


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I don't know what to do! I've tried everything and my stupid dragon keeps flying wherever the hell he wants in this outdoor cell I made.

Trying everything and still having it not work means that I'm overlooking something obvious like an idiot.


Basically, the dragon just tries to attack me wherever I go, and always flies at the same height in relation to me. If I'm underwater, he dives into the ocean. If I'm at the base of a hill, he flies through the hill.


I tried setting the heights for an orbit AI package but the finicky little bastard just ignored them completely. Also tried setting the height higher in the default dragon AI package, also ignored. And I did remember to make the navmesh, he's just being a meanie and ignoring it.


Help please! I'm at a loss and I can't find anything about this since I somehow made such a specific and silly problem.



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