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i want a madcat!!!


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kind of a worrying idea, if enemies go for dropped weapons, would they leap on the idea of jumping into the cockpit of an unmanned weapons platform?


I would envision it being only about the size of a Behemoth, give or take a few feet. the strafe keys would turn the machine rather then sidestep, and the forward backpedal would increase or decrease the throttle. The mouse would control the torso.


I would want it kinda Ancient looking but with clear technical advances. I may even put my pencil to paper and get my ideas out of my head.


What would it do for ammo? What would you do if its leg got blown off? repair it with scrap metal and superglue?


Maybe screw that idea and just have a massive tame deathclaw that you can mount. Now THERES a funny idea!

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you know i think the old mw 3 controls should not be in fallout 3 as standing around being fired at is no an option

how about controls like this?


Aren't those the same as what he asked for?


I think controls are the least of our concerns at the moment, finding someone crazy... I mean brilliant enough to make this great mod is the biggest concern.


The mech could also have a luggage compartment, so rather than going back to your house you can store things in the mech. But having too much in the mech slows it down (Not sure if thats possible to code). You could also have a small sleeping area, it stands to reason there would be a small bed on a mech, after all lorries have a sleeping booth. You could use one of the door animations for the mechanist's door to open the mech, it would be cool to walk around inside of it and then sit in the seat and get a pop up asking if you want to start it up.

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you know i think the old mw 3 controls should not be in fallout 3 as standing around being fired at is no an option

how about controls like this?



I dunno, it DOES seem like the controls i had in mind, but the movements to me seem a little....Jerky, y'know? The couger is a what....30 Ton walking warmachine, and it handles better then i do on foot. (no i do not weigh more then 30 tons to all you smartarses out there). I envisioned it ponderously plodding around the wastes, taking its time getting up to full stride.


I dont dislike the idea of it having more uses then just a vehical and skullstompa, maybe a ladder going to the cockpit and just behind the pilot seat, theres a bunk.


Of course your right tho, someone actually need to be insane enought to attempt this idea. But then again, whats a mod request forum for if not to post ludicrous ideas?

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