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Missing FO3 Weapons


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My first visit to the NV Nexus happened while I was looking for a way to implement the FO3 weapons that were cut from NV into the game.

Then I found Yukchigai's "Fallout 3 Weapons Restoration", but still it had some weapons missing.

Clanfear's "Cryo Weapons" solved part of it by implementing the cryo grenades and cryo mines, while Emalphi's "Zeta Bringback" restored the Drone Cannon.


But still no mods that add Operation Anchorage's Trench Knife and Point Lookout's Axe and Bio-gas Canister.


My modding skills are completely null, but here is an appeal to people more skilled than I am:


Would it be hard to implement such weapons into the game? Any tips for me in case I want to try it? Is there a way to import the files from the FO3 DLC files or would I have to do it from scratch?


Thanks, folks!

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Nothing's stopping you from implementing FO3 weapons in FNV, but the rules stop us. :) Basically, we're not allowed to port assets from game to game. FNV contains a lot of stuff from FO3 that's not 'used' in the base game, and reimplementations are done from those resources, or from scratch as with Millenia's Combat Shotgun. If you want some help with porting for personal use, PM me.
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