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Let us know what anti-malware/adware/virus software you have on your PC and ensure you've run a scan that returns clean before reporting the ad to us: It happens on both my laptop and my phone, only on nexusmods.

The date and time you saw this ad: just now, for my timezone 10:30

The URL of the page you were on at the time, e.g. http://www.nexusmods.com/games/?: The Legacy of the Dragonborn mod page for SSE, looking at comments

Your general location - e.g. I live in Exeter, in Devon, in England. If you don't want to give the city you live in, then your state and country will suffice, e.g. Devon, England.: The Netherlands, Gemert

A good description of what is happening that makes you think this is a bad ad: It sent me to a site that claims to be from my dutch ISP.

If you get redirected or sent to another site, provide the URL that you are sent to. https://eu.visitoryoung.xyz/d4fc49c5211fa87f7a681dc78f691579/index.html?ip=2a02%3Aa456%3Aa379%3A0%3Acc83%3A4ed1%3A6a0f%3A78d&siteid=YjY0Njg2NjY2OTI0OTQxMTcxMSMxNTkxNTE4NDYzQDU2ODNAXzc2MjE2MGRkZjJjOTFmY2EzMWQyY2U2ODRmNDdkY2Ux&trackid=2020060708275022560


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