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Help! Game-killing follower glitch


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Hi, I am hopelessly trying to find a solution this horrible bug/ mod conflict that is literally destroying my save. The thing is, my followers start to randomly leave my team, and when this happens, there is no way i can get them back in. They still act like they are folling you, with all the dialogue lines like "i'm still here" and such, and i can still trade stuff with them, but i simply can't get them to follow me. They will wander off and always go back to their original house. And I can't dismiss them, because the option os always there no matter how many times I try. Even console commands like resetai, disable/enable, recycleactor set playerfollowercount can't fix anything. This happens so randomly, I don't even know what triggers it and whether there's a pattern to it. Another problem is I've installed too many mods with Nexus mod manager that I can't trace back to the origin of this frustrating error. Any of you ran into this situation before? Currently, I have these noticeable mods that affect followers:


My home is your home

Interesting NPC

Werewolf follower

Herman the mad (draugr follower)

I've tried dismissing all followers, uninstalling all those mods and retry but still no hope.Ps: I always uninstall mods using nexus mod manager. Is there a chance i might have missed some leftover files?

I'll appreciate any help, thanks. :-)

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