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Saved Games like oldrim


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Guys, i have been wondering about this for a while. On oldrim the save files comes with the character names, but on SE it does not. Why can not this bee like oldrim, then it could bee far easier to remove the saves you do not want without removing the character by accident. For example i had on my oldrim saves from characters i no longer played and could remove this characters without removing the once i was focusing on, that will say where playing...Plus that i could remove some old extra save files from the character that i was playing, to save some space on my save folder. To bee able to see the name of your characters on your save folder, would help a lot if you are creating followers and want to remove this save files without removing the characters you play by accident. Is there any way to change this so the names on the characters shows up in the save folder than fiiles with letters and nrs in one concoction...

Edited by Lula77
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You can manually save games using console command


> save "bob_level62_whitrerun"

> save "Bluto_at_HaemarsShame"


> save "Sayah63_and_Sha_wandering_near_Markarth"




This way, you can be certain that the ones you want to isolate at least have some initial defining boundary. However, autosaves and in-game MCM saves will use Bethesda's own file naming convention, replete with huge numerical strings and the fogginess that their names cause.


What I do when switching characters, is to immediately make a manual save using console, so I can be guaranteed that all my autosaves following (until the next named save) are associated with that character


Bluto_at_HaemarsShame.ess << most recent, newest save, via console save command

------------------------Character switches above-----------------------

(some autosave or MCM derived save) << almost certainly a Sayah save

(some autosave or MCM derived save) << almost certainly a Sayah save

(some autosave or MCM derived save) << almost certainly a Sayah save

(some autosave or MCM derived save) << almost certainly a Sayah save

(some autosave or MCM derived save) << almost certainly a Sayah save

Sayah63_and_Sha_Markarth.ess (via console save command, where player "Sayah" is level 63)



Best bet (imo) for reviewing unknown saves is using something like fallrim tools to open each and view the snapshot of the last (or near last) scene of that game play prior to having been saved.

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