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Here's what I can think of for my list off the top of my head.



King: Dragonborn?? Either full Dragon armor or the trailer tailored Iron armor set

Queen: At a loss. All I can think of is Lydia cuz she's popular, Delphine or maybe Serana even though I hate her. I vote for Delphine just because shes MQ

Bishop: Stendar

Knight: ________

Rook: Imperial towers*

Pawns: Whiterun guards because they're easily identifiable



King: Alduin, duh..

Queen: Potema the Wolf Queen!

Bishop: Dragon Priest

Knight: Shadowmere

Rook: Some sort of Oblivion architecture, maybe from the Soul Cairn*

Pawns: Either cultists, random necromancers and conjurers. or bandits


Evil was way easier for me to think of...


Also consider having mammoths as good rooks and lesser dragons as bad ones.

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Kinda reminds me of something I'm doing. My brother and I are making a tactical RPG board game, rendering pieces from baked clay. It's going to have a basic money system where you choose what upgrades you want pregame from a base amount you can afford, and have looting of corpses. It takes a lot of testing, and we know each other's play style too well.


If you want to do Skyrim as chest, I'd have black and white be good and bad. Like cultists up to a Daedric king and guards up to a dragon armored king. Imperial towers for white rooks. Dark Brotherhood assassins on Shadowmere for black knights. Vigilents of Stendar as white bishops. So on and so forth.

the peices are not debatable thay have already been decided and some made.

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