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first attemp with CK - reduce level progression speed


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i have 2 mods,


hunting in skyrim (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18866)

Treebalance - Speech Tree (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18919)


the first add some new perks to archery and light armor, the second change completly the speechcraft tree perk.


few hours ago i downloaded a mod to slow down level progression,


slower leveling up with tutorial (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11501)


my problem is that, if i load the slower mod before the other two, it affect all skill trees excepted the changed ones

if i load it after them, it reput the original perk trees


Following the tutorial from the slower one, i tried to make a patch with CK, selecting in data huntinginskyrim.esp, and changing in character\actor the "skill use multiplier" value, but loaded the new esp, in the perk trees there was the new " limb" but not the perks.


what haven't i done?


is there a way to make just one patch affecting both mods, or have i to do one for each?


or better


is there a way replicate those mods with the new multiplier?


Edit. i found the way my self :dance:

Edited by Jodi79
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