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Stuck to accepted/not yet question from Lewis dialogue to proceed Spring Dance start


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Here problem as mention here, Stuck at ''yes/not yet'' question from Lewis dialogue to proceed Spring Dance start.


I use many mods and I cant decide which one is cause that problem. Other festivals nothing get problem and work finely but when it spring dance event, I cant go back or proceed to start spring event and stuck at lewis dialogue rapidly pop up same question. Now only solution is to skip the festival but I really want see springs event works. Anyone know how to fix this please...


Here the attachs links, cmd prompt red highlight error shows and my mods folder hope you can find the problem that which conflict mod







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Updated: Found out conflict mod by myself while waiting someone reply, Its Mona new npc mod conflict with SVE at Spring Dance Festival. Now it works perfectly and my char do dancing as usual. So I assume this post is SOLVED. Thank you

Edited by Zudin96
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