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please help it keeps saying Unable to get write permissioon for:c:\games\Fallout3\Install Info".....Its also says"This error happens when you are running Windows Vista or laterand put Nexus Mod Manager's Install Info folder in the Progarm Files folder.

You need to do one of the following:

1.Disable UAC(not recomended) (What is UAC???)

2. Move NMM install info fold outside of the program files folder\(for example, to C:\Games\ModManagerInfo\Install Info).

3. Run NMM as Administor. You can try thid by right clicking on NMM's shortcut and selectign Run as adiministor Alternatively, right click on the shortcut select Properties->Compatiability and check run this program as an administator

i have tried moving files everywhere, no success ive been waiting for these games for ages and there were all sorts of problems with the delivery and then they came and had trouble installing them, now i am having trouble with this HELP ME NOW! and i cant understand really nerdy language guys! oh my god someone help me i dont actually get what any of this means :/

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zerksees - Hello!


Oh that font. :)


Anyway, UAC is "User Account Control" it's a security set up in Windows Vista & Win7.


Basically it monitors folders in secure areas & prevents them being modified by programs unless told to allow them access.


NMM has given you four options to work around it.


You could turn UAC off but it is a good thing to have & best left on.


Best solution is to just run NMM as Administrator, right click on it's icon instead of double left clicking. In the options that come up select "Run as Administrator".


To allow it to Run as Administrator all the time (so you don't have to remember to right click each time), Right click on the NMM desktop shortcut, select Compatability & tick the "Run as Administrator" box at the bottom under "Privilege Level".


Hope this helps!



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