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New mount - Louie


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I would really love to see an incarnation of Louie from Bomberman Hero redesigned for Skyrim, as adorably pictured here and here, and, in a different style, here. This is probably nowhere near as out-of-place in the context of Skyrim as one would think at first - Louie is basically a 'tundra kangaroo' already anyway. Plus, he's freaking adorable.


Mechanically speaking, he should be bipedal (here is

showing him in motion, skip to 0:45 if you want to get right to that), probably a bit faster than vanilla horses because they're slow anyway, and he should have the ability to jump really, really high, to make him fairly adept at scaling mountains. Like a boss. Plus, he's a kangaroo and all. I would also personally appreciate a summon and dismissal spell.


Thanks for checking, and please consider this; Louie needs more love! Because he's awesome.



Side note: for 'evil' players or those who would simply prefer a darker aesthetic: KILLER LOUIE!. Zomg.

Edited by Kyuukei
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