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Minigun ammo change to use shredder


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A simple request. I am looking for a mod that lets you change the ammo type on miniguns.


You know how some pipe weapons let you change the receiver from .38 ammo to .45 or .50, right?


Basically that. Changing it from 5mm ammo to something else, either alien blaster ammo or some nonexistent "nil" ammo.


This "expertly crafted" MSPaint picture should make things clearer.




The goal behind this mod is to make the shredder easier to use as a full time melee weapon. Normally you can hold the fire button on a shredder minigun and use it like a Ripper on steroids when you don't have any ammo.

The only problem is constantly having to deal with any ammo you might get, either by giving it to a companion, using it all up when you get some, or leaving it behind (which really irks obsessive hoarders like me). This would also allow people to carry 2 separate miniguns, a normal one (which is most likely Explosive) and a second one to use as a badass ultraviolent chainsaw!

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