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Just alittle help


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Hi, I've been playing with the creation Kit for alittle while and haven't really made anything as of yet, and this might have been answered already so forgive me if this has been(I tried using search and found nothing useful) I'm wondering how might I add a set of power to an item that when equipped will give said powers to the PC; Some what like how The werewolf and vampire lord transformations add new powers to the PC's Favorites list; I was hoping to do something like to an object that when worn will do just the same. Removing the weapons and armor the PC is using at the moment with new armor and powers/weapons when wearing said object.


And sorry if this is posted in the wrong section; I couldn't decide which one to post it in. Thanks for any helpful responses.


Also if there is a function for when the PC takes off said object resets the favorites and place the armor the PC was last wearing back onto them would also be helpful. Thanks again.

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