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Should have done this sooner...


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Fishy sticks are awards of great honour and prestige - given to those deserving.


*Dark0ne is going to have to put something in the ToS about this, if this continues*


*Dark0ne slaps cmac's wrists*


*Dark0ne welcomes the newbie*

But... but... but... it's become trademark newbie forum tradition! You can't just take it away with a wave of your h-*gets taken away by dark army and is returned 5 minutes later*


Thank god you did that Dark0ne! It was really starting to annoy me too.


A belated welcome to the forums Tyjet, have fun and don't spam ;)


Glory to Dark0ne and his wonderous secret brainwashing program!


im sure glad he stopped all that brainwashing before i joined.... or did he?!!

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