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compainion storyline ending revamp suggestion


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The Companions are my favourite faction yet the ending of their storyline feels a little bit anti-climatic in comparison to the other factions (for example the Mage college has you saving the world from a renegade Thalmor agent who was empowered with the Eye of Magnus). The set up was good having you and the Circle with a reforged Wuuthrad to storm Ysgramor's Tomb defeating the spirits of the Original Companion, to get to the center, to save Kodlak's spirit from the werewolf curse. Once you get there with Alea. All you have to do is put a witch's head into the fire and then defeat a rather easy spectral wolf and it done. I think it could be more climatic if after you defeat the wolf, Hircine himself arrives to make a final attempt to reclaim Kodlak's soul. And you have to fight waves of spectral werewolf (one of them is the spirit of Skjor). Then before Hircine himself is about to attack you, A Dragur Deathlord rises from the coffin behind the metal bars, it breaks out of the cage. It reveals it self to be Ysgramor who has returned to defend the modern Compaions from the Dadric Prince's machinations. Then you, Ysgramor, Alea and Kodlak get to kick the Daedric Prince sorry butt back to Oblivion Edited by Roviakin71
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