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'alive' Glowing one settler request


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The title carries the gist of it - I'd like to have a unique non-feral glowing one that is recruitable as a settler. Why? Because I have an idea for a cool "settlement faction" that is essentially a (peaceful) splinter-group of the 'Children of Atom', made up entirely of Ghouls (who believe being such is a blessing from Atom), and who better to lead them than a living (and thinking) embodiment of Atom's eternal glow?

Standard Ghoul settler dialogue would be fine for this NPC (for the sake of simplicity). But, if it's possible, maybe apply an audio filter unique to them that makes them sound a bit 'echo-y' (like "Jason Bright" from the Repcon Ghoul faction in New Vegas) as an awesome 'added bonus'?

Of course, such a concept could just be a starting point for so much more - A nice 'high rads' quest to recruit him? Maybe even have him be a companion instead of 'just' a unique settler (Still want a basic settler 'version' of course)?

Anyway, thanks for reading,


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