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DarNified UI has changed it color to default


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I edited the Fallout3.ini to deactivate VSync with "iPresentInterval=" 1 to 0, then I returned to the game and the FPS goes optimal, but DarNified UI has changed it color to the default green (only the color, the rest of the mod works fine).


I attempted to change the color in DUIF3Settings.xml, switching "<_HUDOverrideColor>" 0 to 1, but only the main hud returns to the light blue, all other menus still green.


I uninstalled DarNified and deleted the settings folder, then I reinstalled again, but the menus still green.


What should I do to recover the light blue in the entire interface?


EDIT: The problem were not in DarnUi, but in the FO3 prefferences menu, simple than that :wallbash:

Edited by VikingII
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