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How do I make a helmet out of a outfit mod?


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Trying to create a helmet in a mod from a head on a outfit. It is a plague doctor outfit I ported with a mod author's permission and trying to make the head into a helmet which I took the hat off. I am able to make the helmet but it replaces the head of all the outfits so now non of the outfits have the hat which is what I am trying to prevent.



Can some one please tell me exactly how to make a helmet from a head of an outfit that is a nif copy which I modified so it does not have a hat?

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Can you put up some screenshots? I'm having a hard time visualizing the problem.

https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/36962?tab=posts&BH=0 here the mod link which provides pictures and here is the pic of the would be helm, just ignore the non existent neck since I can fix that https://imgur.com/a/w0eZja5 This would be helmet is fine but anytime I make it then it will always replace the head on the outfit making it have no hat.

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That's how vanilla headgear work though iirc: You can only have one hat/helmet/circlet on at any time. You'd need another mod to override that. So if you want something with a hat only, you'd have to make a nif that only has the hat present as a circlet so the face is visible. You'd probably have to make a hat+bird mask nif and a bird mask only nif to cover all scenarios.

Edited by Dragoon23
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Weird thing is


That's how vanilla headgear work though iirc: You can only have one hat/helmet/circlet on at any time. You'd need another mod to override that. So if you want something with a hat only, you'd have to make a nif that only has the hat present as a circlet so the face is visible. You'd probably have to make a hat+bird mask nif and a bird mask only nif to cover all scenarios.

Weird thing is I do have a copy of the nif with no hat on, The original outfit always uses the head and the hat since it does not see it as a circlet or helmet but instead sees it as part of the armor. I can use circlets and helmets on the normal outfit since the entire outfit is labeled as an armor but I am trying to make a helmet with a modified NIF file which does not have the hat which works but keeps replacing the head of all the outfits with that NIF file,

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That's how vanilla headgear work though iirc: You can only have one hat/helmet/circlet on at any time. You'd need another mod to override that. So if you want something with a hat only, you'd have to make a nif that only has the hat present as a circlet so the face is visible. You'd probably have to make a hat+bird mask nif and a bird mask only nif to cover all scenarios.

https://imgur.com/a/W2bEYKD I fixed it but need to change it into a head option and not a circlet but also need find a way to make the head in the pic not merge into the title.

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That's how vanilla headgear work though iirc: You can only have one hat/helmet/circlet on at any time. You'd need another mod to override that. So if you want something with a hat only, you'd have to make a nif that only has the hat present as a circlet so the face is visible. You'd probably have to make a hat+bird mask nif and a bird mask only nif to cover all scenarios.

https://imgur.com/a/W2bEYKD I fixed it but need to change it into a head option and not a circlet but also need find a way to make the head in the pic not merge into the title.

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